
Frequently Asked Questions

For order under Rs.1500 we accept cash on delivery for the rest please make payment through easy paisa, direct bank transfer or credit/debit card before your order can be finalized and processed.

As per our return policy, we will refund if the item you order is defective or not upto the mark as listed and finalized in your order.

Customers can easily place an order online through our easy editor tool or speak with our representative to place and finalize your order. The customer can also add special instructions at the check out page before finalizing its order.

once your order is confirmed, our representative will share with you sample of your final design before it can be printed.

Design of Orders under Rs. 2999 will be finalized the same working day and submitted for printed and after printing it would be handed to courier service for delivery. Depending on your location, most of these orders will be shipped and received within 3-4 days. Orders above Rs. 2999  and those involving bulk quantity will take 4-5 working days. the customer depending on its location & order can request same/next day delivery  option and our team would be happy to guide and fulfill that order too if possible.

Once you place an order our representative will call you to confirm your final artwork before it goes to printing, once printed and handed to courier service, we will send a confirmation to your email address/phone regarding shipping/tracking of your order.

At present we take orders only for Pakistan.

Customer can easily place artwork, pictures or use our gallery for clip art or upload their pictures from the their laptops or phone or draw any design on the items to be designed, our team will be onboard for making or adding further touch ups to your final artwork without any cost. Your final artwork will be shared with you before it goes to final printing.

No, if properly washed  as listed on the shirt instructions the print material and color will not fade for a long period of time. For all printing we use sublimation which under normal circumstances would not go away or fade.

The maximum size is A4 for making any design on front of shirt or back or both sides, for other items please consult our help line before finalizing any order.